About Search Visualiser

Search Visualiser searches texts for keywords of your choice, and shows the results either as an image or as sound. This lets you find and understand texts much more swiftly than with text-only search.

The image below shows two documents found in a search for the keywords bradycardia and medication, in German. Each square in the image represents a word in the document; the red squares show where bradycardia occurs, and the green squares show where medication occurs.

The document on the left frequently mentions both bradycardia and medication. This document clearly contains a fair amount of relevant material. The document on the right, however, contains only a few mentions of either term., and is much less likely to be useful. With this visualisation, you have just assessed the relevance of documents several thousand words long, in another language.

There is also an option for playing the results as audio, with each keyword represented by a different tone.